
Well the time has come, the summer has come to an end, well not technically. But I'm done working at the pool. I've fully moved into my apartment, unpacked and decorated! And today was my first day back at Justice. So in my opinion, summer is over... And while it was/is difficult to come to terms with,  it's time to move onto the next chapter.... JUNIOR YEAR! It's truly incredible to say that! I don't feel like it's even real life to not be in high school anymore... & now it's almost time to graduate again!

So this summer, was seriously my favorite in recent memory. I can't think of one to rival it, and I'm not sure there will ever come a time when it can be beat. I realized that all you really need to be happy is to be surrounded by people you truly care about and that care about you and to be in a place where you feel comfort. That's what home means. I've never been more upset to say goodbye to summer!

This summer I got to see my best friend that I hardly get to see throughout the year! She spent a whole week at my house! Perfect way to start the summer! Then the summer really took off, I worked nonstop until vacation, where we went to Vegas & California, for two weeks! Then I came back to working nonstop! My summer consisted of summer sun & pool side fun! My co-workers truly became my best friends and I don't know how I'll handle not talking and seeing them everyday! Seriously, we weren't all just co-workers but family! And it's never easy to leave family behind! Especially when you know some of the people won't be back and it just won't be the same. Saying goodbye to my mom and sister was miserable as well!

So this is what I have accomplished in my room! More to come later!
Let the adventures begin!

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