All Growed Up!

So I'm the first one to be completely uncomfortable by talks of the future and change. I hate when things change. Graduating was miserable, death- devastating. Losing touch with someone who I used to consider my best friend. I hate change and life is all about it! And I've finally made great advances in accepting it! I've come to terms with being a high school graduate, and that I can no longer go back. No matter how much I'd like to! And ever since this school year started the future has never seemed so near! Like usually the future with me having a career is an abstract thought. Now in my third year, I can see the finish line. And it's not a blur, but a completely real state. And that my friends, is completely terrifying! This year is a great testing subject! I'm in an apartment, paying Big People bills, working and going to school. All practice for later on, which surprisingly enough isn't all that scary. Progress!

Times are changing!

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