Flashback Fashion Friday: January

Y'all we finally made it through perhaps the LONGEST month of the year! {Have you seen the memes?} How can a month made up of 31 days feel like 12 years?

Here's what I wore throughout this hellacious month:

January 1 & 2:

The beginning of the month had me venturing back from Ohio (hello, goodbye 50 degrees-- they're currently suffering through {another} Polar Vortex)!

January 3:

Once mom and I returned from Ohio, we had a few more days before she left to return to Washington.

January 7:

The women and the UCD students returned to campus for Winter Quarter and quickly... 2019 showed its ass.

January 8:

January 9:

During the first week of school, we had a pipe burst that took out two floors of the house and two bedrooms. It took a week to reset and naturally it sent everyone into a tailspin.

This was a December purchase so as to keep to my no shopping- even though that failed.

January 12:

January 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, & 18:

While trying to get the house back in order, my daily #OOTD posts on IG fell by the wayside!

January 23:

January 24:

January 25:

While I did not make it back to the gym this month {here's how I'm doing on my resolutions}, I did get two tattoos! Mom accepted a new job and will be moving to LA in March!

January 10, 20, 22 & 27:

January 26:

January 28:

Due to some other issues, and my lack of ability to deal with it- I've found myself really enjoying more and more retail therapy. What can I say?

January 29:

January 30:

I would like to say that with only 28 days in February, I'm planning on going to the gym everyday-- but that would be a lie. I know that I won't I have A TON PLANNED! And going to the gym everyday just won't fit in. But WE WILL RETURN IN FEBRUARY!

January 31:

We did it y'all! We finally made it through January!

Here we go, 2019!


Exciting things to come in February:
2. Going to LA 
3. Friend is coming to Visit
4. Going to see P!ATD & Betty Who!

Stay tuned!

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