Where In The World Has KJB Been?

Last Month I Went to Museum of Selfies

I’m sure you haven’t missed the fact that my weekly posts have been few and far been. I’m not sure what happened. I honestly just haven’t been feeling very creative, probably for a long time. Thanks for bearing with me. I’m honestly not sure if I’ve found my muse again but I do want to be better. 

I appreciate all of y’all that read my posts, follow my Instagram and Twitter and watch my videos on YouTube. I’m not sure what’s next for KJB but I wanna be more transparent with you, my friends! 

I finished my Masters in October of last year and graduation was in December. If I had still been in Ohio, I would’ve gone to Indiana to walk in the ceremony, but being California and Indiana are not neighbors and I was planning my Christmas trip back the following week, it just didn’t make much sense to go that much earlier. 

In hindsight, I didn’t understand what I was reading but I saw that law school suggestions was to have “something” I genuinely don’t know what done by thanksgiving. I knew there was no way, so I gave myself a break telling myself that come January, I’d start my law school prep work. Imagine my surprise in the new year, when it stand that all my paperwork was due in March for the following fall. I had yet to start LSAT prep let alone taking it. There was no way I could prepare when the due date was after the March LSAT. So I realized my plan - was pushed back a year. Ya know the saying, “we make plans and God laughs” - I swear he’s always chuckling at me. So I accepted that in this perfect world, where I took the LSAT, was accepted at UC Davis and then spent three years in law school to graduate by 30, was now pushed back to 31. Still fine but leaving me a year to just be. I’m my best KJB, when I’m busy. So I was gonna use the four months to prep for the June & July LSAT, I’m sure you know where this is going... it’s the beginning of April and my four months are down to two. I’m questioning if law school is the answer to a question that I don’t necessarily know is fully formed. 

It's Hard Out Here

So ya see, I’m just spinning. Twisting in the wind, wondering what I’m doing. I’m 27 and feel directionless. There’s so much I wanna do. So much I wanna be. That’s my struggle. My mom and sister have ADHD & ADD, and I’ve never had it to the same extent as them but I feel as if it’s manifesting in my indecision for my future. I’m nearly 30 and definitely not flirty or thriving, damn you, Jenna Rinks. 

I guess what my spiraling lead me to the other day is just putting one foot in front of the other. I need to register and I need to start studying for the LSAT. Then I need to decide after I take it if I could get into the law schools surrounding me. From there I can decide what to do. 

If law school isn’t the path, I have my BA in Fashion Merchandising and my MPA in Non-profit Leadership. There’s so much I can do in this world and at some point I have to make a decision. 

Well I move forward in one regard to my life, I wanna start writing again. That’s where you come in! What do you wanna see? 

If you know women or men that should be featured, please send them my way. 

My Flashback Fashion Friday’s will definitely continue, and I hope to be better. I started this blog to showcase my love of fashion, I mean I was a fashion major after all and my love of writing. So here we go! 


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