Twenty Eleven

I started 2011, hating it, purely because I'm OCD and 2011 just didn't sound right to me.
But I found this quote on my sister's Facebook
the other day, and I realized that this was the year in a nutshell:

"2011 was a year that went so fast but took so long to do so.
It's the year you found out who yout true friends are, as some 
walked out of your life... It's the year you felt the most
pressure to the point where you gave up so many times
but are still learning how to get back up again.
It's the year you said you would accomplish
great things yet you feel like you just wasted time.
It's the year you cried, too many times.
It's the year you look back on all of the lifetime memories in which you find 
yourself missing the people in them because they
were taken too soon.
But it's also the year you move on, slowly, and you realize that
that's okay because it's only making you stronger."

2011, was my first full year of college, and I learned a lot about
myself and a lot about others.
How I handle certain situations and how I handle people.
I got my first official big girl job.
(Until then I was a lifeguard, but there's no career in that, unfortunately.)
I got to truly grow up, and catch a glimpse of my life that lays 
infront of me. 
I realized who my true friends are, along with even though 
I miss ex-bestfriends, there's a reason we're no longer friends.
You never stop caring once you cared for someone but
it's alright to not have them in your life.
I joined a sorority, that embodies everything I stand for.
I got to visit family and old friends.
I got to come to terms with my grandpa's death. 
I still cry at everything, but maybe that's what's supposed to happen.
I now appreciate everything in my life, the small and the grand. 

 I learned a lot this year, but am not sad to see it go.
I have high hopes for 2012.
So many changes to be made and an entire year to accomplish them...

"Fall down seven times, get  up eight."

Happy New Year!

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