KJB Does Happiness

I started this summer wanting to work out everyday, a feat I've never been able to accomplish. The first two weeks home, I made a great go of it. I walked 9 miles in the 6 days I was home. But as time progressed, Mom & Jade started their summers, May turned into June and I realized I really didn't want to spend everyday climbing the mountain or going for 3 mile walks everyday.

When I finally stopped making myself feel bad about the fact that I'm not working out daily and accepting the fact that I genuinely detest eating lettuce. I became a whole lot happier. When I accepted that I'm not at my dream weight or in my dream body, but who the hell cares, I was a happier person. I once read an article about how a faction of women are so body obsessed that their first and sometimes only goal in life is to be thinner or rather "skinny". I am guilty of being one of those women. Whenever I picture up my dream scenario- I'm significantly smaller than I am now. But something I've learned recently, SO WHAT! Yes, it's not a secret that one day, I would like to be 50-70lbs lighter than I am now, honestly I wish that one day was tomorrow, and maybe one day- it'll happen, but then again- maybe it won't.

Honestly, there comes a time when either you change what you can or you learn to become more comfortable in the body that you have. I don't eat terribly, I'm healthy when I can & when I'm not- it's cause I would rather have a piece of pie or a S'mores Blizzard from DQ. I'm 22 years old. Why be unhappy when I don't have to be.

This mindset- I'm not sure what it is or where it came from but, I suppose not holding on to anger is one thing. I've tried to stop holding on to things that aren't beneficial. Let go of the grudge you're holding. The only thing in life you have control over is how you deal with the cards life deals you. So I've chosen to be happy and so- I go about each day doing my best to be just that. Happy.

Stop letting others determine your mood.
Stop being around people you don't like,
Don't do something you don't want to do.
Say what you mean, & mean what you say.
I'm not telling you to be an asshole.

But you have every right to be happy as long as it doesn't come at the expense of others.

So stop talking about people, sometimes it's cathartic and other times- it's draining, you're giving that person all your power and energy, why? Do they deserve it? Talking badly about someone does nothing to them and everything to you. What I do, and what I tell my friends to do, choose to believe that they no longer exist, and go forth not letting them have a place in your mind or in your life.

Life is all about loving the skin you're in. That's my secret, my happiness begins and ends with me. Anything worth having, is worth fighting for.

So yes, maybe one day I will be 50-70lbs lighter, my "dream weight", or maybe I'll be just as happy 10 pounds lighter. Ultimately, that's up to me. I decide where my happiness lies.

I read something that said, "How to Wear a Crop Top: put one on, look you're doing it.", "How to Get a Bikini Body: put on a bikini, you now have a bikini body."

That's the secret, you can be, wear whatever you want. You just have to be confident in whatever it is you do & knock 'em dead.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt


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