KJB's Best Friend

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. When we woke up Sunday, mom opened her present and we watched Mother's Day specials on Food Network and then my grandma came over for lunch. Afterwards, we watched the Sound Of Music, mom's favorite musical and my first viewing. 

I saw this tweet a few days ago and it really stuck with me

When there's a holiday or birthday, I always find myself looking for the perfect photos, to celebrate the event but I'd be lying if I wasn't also doing it for the social media post. And it's always weird to look at photos of mom and I from the beginning and compare them to now and just be like-- only I have truly aged. #ItStartedWithMom
"Mother's love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible."

My mom is my best friend. Not in the way of those trashy Lifetime movies, there is very much so a mother-daughter hierarchy, if I were to ever forget that, I'm put in my place right away. She's taught me everything I know. She never fails to put my sister and I first, even when it would make sense not to. She is an absolute rockstar and I idolize her, she's the type of woman I want to be when I grow up. She always has been. 

It physically pains me to imagine my life without my mother and my heart goes out to all the people who have to do deal with that struggle everyday- not just today. 

50th Anniversary Sound of Music DVD

Tell your loved ones you love them everyday. Multiple times a day. Hold them close. Have a great week!



She's my Best Friend

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