Not Primary Colors... Primary Election (Day)

I got political the other day, and I liked it- so here we go again!

Today is Primary Election day in Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio, make sure that you go out an vote today! When I think of the word, primary, it's often followed by "color" and then I'm thinking about red, yellow and blue... #creativemajorprobs

But the primary election, is a chance for the voter, you and me, to tell our delegates whom we want them to cast their vote for in the Republican and Democratic bucket for when we get to know the nominees/candidates for the upcoming election... So ultimately- not that it's not always important, but... this year it's really really important!

So your vote matters. Your voice matters. If you want change, you have to go vote. It's that simple and that important.

It doesn't matter who you're voting for, Republican, Democrat... regular human or Satan... It just matters that you vote!

Not to mention, it's your civic duty and responsibility, but you probably already knew that!



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