Christmas 2015

Christmas is my favorite time of year and this year was just not. This was easily the weirdest Christmas to date. Constant rain, and jacket free days... Do I not live in the Midwest?! Where is the snow... and Puppy Brother died. It was also my first time back in the retail world and working Holiday hours. So to try and combat that melancholiness of this Christmas and to get in the Holiday spirit, I decided to wear Christmas inspire outfits...

Sunday, December 20th:
I was driving back from Akron and working my overnight shift.

Monday, December 21st:
Jade and I had the day off-- so we went off on a Christmas adventure... Timberpeg Tree Farm, finally went to a tree farm, how exciting and then went to Easton for dinner, to see Christmas lights and to buy way too much at Forever 21, but there was a sale... though, I may have bought nothing on sale, oops.

Tuesday, December 22nd:
I wore a new shirt from our Monday, Christmas adventure...

Wednesday, December 23rd:
I was all LB'd out!! Lane Bryant blouse, tights, skirt, boots, etc.

Thursday,  December 24th:
Christmas Eve started at 2:30am, when my sister said she didn't think Puppy Brother, Harry Bailey, would make it through the night, she was right-- he took his last breath before 3am. It was as tragic and awful and something fierce, that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Somehow I managed to go back to sleep and getting up for work and being on time. I only had one giant breakdown and then I came home. Here's the outfit I managed for Christmas Eve service. Going to church and seeing our church congregation is alway great- we've become C&Eers as of late- but being it's been our church since we came here from California.

Friday, December 25th:
Merry Christmas!! I just wrote my Eloise pjs and then changed my pjs into another Christmas set-- cause bitches love costume changes. It was kind of a melancholy day, no snow, overcast rainy day. Our usual Christmas tradition is to in the afternoon after presents and lunch to go to the movies. Last year, we went to see Into The Woods. This year, for the first time in a long while, Grandma was still in town so we watched Christmas movies and lunch and decided to see 2015's Christmas movie, Joy, sometime this week.

Saturday, December 26th:
I had to go to work at 5:30am, it was another hard day, it was rough, I felt like I was on the verge all day- you know how in A Christmas Story, when Ralphie loses his shit on Scott Farkus-- that was me all day. I was just in a terrible mood- my Barnes and Noble order was wrong, after wasting 25 minutes trying to figure it out-- had to call the hub and then their system was down. Then my usual nail place couldn't fit me in, then I went to a place in town, but then I couldn't find my charger, which really just sent me over the edge! Yes, these are all minute things in the grand scheme of things, but when you're holding on by a thread-- anything and everything is enough to push you off a ledge. However, somehow I was able to pull off a bomb OOTD, and received a ton of compliments... Yesterday was also 4 years of KJB Meets World, formerly Girl Meets World. While clearly, I knew this was coming... I tried multiple times to write something up, but I couldn't ever get it right, and really-- I didn't have it in me.

Well I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

xo, KJB

Today, Sunday, December 27th:
Today has just been hanging out and trying to pull myself back together on this rain drenched day and preparing for my overnight shift.
"Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" Luke 2:14

There's nothing romantic about death. Grief is like the ocean: it's deep and dark and bigger than all of us. And pain is like a thief in the night. Quiet. Persistent. Unfair. Diminished by time and faith and love. 

Honestly, if Boy Meets World, One Tree Hill or 7th Heaven didn't have an episode about it-- I don't know how to handle it.

have a great week

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