WCW #8: Eighty-Sixed's Emily Belden Meets World

Meet author of hilarious, Eighty-sixed, Emily Belden, this week's Woman Crush Wednesday!

"Don’t let someone else’s highlight reel make you feel like you aren’t successful. Go at your own pace, focus on your own path."

How long have you been writing?
Since I lost my first tooth and wrote a persuasive essay to the Tooth Fairy explaining why I deserved more than just $1.

When and how did you get started on WordPress?
WordPress gave me my start and helped me build a fan base. I wanted to tell a story to friends and decided that instead of calling each one of them separately, I’d post a recap of it online and send it out. I selected a really simple template, uploaded my post, and shared it. The rest, as they say…

Have you always wanted to be an author?
There may have been a time I wanted to be a dolphin trainer, but yes, for the most part I’ve lived to tell stories my whole life.

How do you measure success?
Are you happy and healthy? Can you pay your rent? Do you have a dog that loves you? Something like that…

What is your personal brand?
Authentic & Eccentric.

What was your big break?
A writer for Forbes magazine was covering people doing things differently in traditional industries. They covered my pitching strategy for Eightysixed and featured my online proposal as a link in their article. Later that day, I was on the phone with agents and publishers from all over the country.

How important is social media?
It’s important and great to connect and show off highlights of your life, but I don’t get obsessive about it. I’m not on SnapChat but on all the others, I try to post once a week-ish.

Where did you go to school?
Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska

What did you go to school for?
Journalism / Advertising

Is this your sole job? If not, what else do you do?
I take on freelance writing and social media projects for select brands, but I’m under contract to write more books so I don’t have much free time!

How did you advance your career?
Surrounding myself with great people – a great agent, a great editor, etc. 

Do you have a mentor/mentee?
I really admire my editor, Rebecca. She pushes me creatively more than anyone else can.

What makes a great employee?
Responsiveness and accountability – plus general enthusiasm for being there!

What advice can you give to young women?
When it comes to social media, remember: don’t let someone else’s highlight reel make you feel like you aren’t successful. Go at your own pace, focus on your own path.

Do you ever get stressed out? How do you combat it?
Yes, daily. I take a walk with my dogs, make myself a sandwich, call my mom. Something that hits the reset button and takes me away from whatever is causing the Def-Con 3.

What’s the average day in the life of Emily Belden?
Every day is different, but they all start with a long walk with my dogs and then I make myself an early lunch. I usually eat by 10am and skip breakfast foods entirely.

What is your “must have” accessory?
My wedding ring.

What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
Publishing a memoir and scoring a follow up book deal all before age 30.

Who is your fashion icon?
My husband who wears the same outfit everyday…black denim jeans, black t-shirt, white Chuck Taylors.

Where do you shop?
Nordstrom Rack, TJ Maxx, Marshalls for life.

What is happening currently in pop culture that has your undivided attention?
The Bachelorette.

What are your thoughts on millennials?
We’re the future. Everyone else needs to deal with it.

Why do you do what you do?

Because I’m meant to. Doing anything else would be paralyzing.

Thank you, Emily!

Go get yourself EightySixed today ~ it's hilarious and exactly what every Millennial needs!


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