KJB About Town: An Evening of Traditions

Tuesday, December 13th was supposed to be An Evening of Traditions at the Reese-Peters House and the Sherman House here in Lancaster. Except Mother Nature had another plan!

That was the day the snow started and just won't stop- I also was wearing cut-out booties and a dress with no tights, so clearly-- nice thinking!

So it was rescheduled for Saturday, yes- the day of my Ugly Christmas Sweater Party!

So this past Saturday, I woke up to pick up my cookies from WCW Alum, Courtney Boyer! Then had to decorate my grandma's house and then nap, getting dressed then work for our program before my frands would descend on my party!

An Evening of Traditions, went off without a hitch! It was easily in the 50s and the rain held off until afterwards!

We had delicious holiday cookies! What is it about holiday cookies? You can make them at any point in the year, but they're at their best basically December 1-December 31st! What a shelf life, but I digress!

Our program was intended to be on Tuesday, and in exploration of Chanukah and Christmas traditions, the rescheduled event coincided with Sabbath, so our reader wasn't able to make it. Neither was our live music, so instead we used our incredible player piano!

One of our board members and her daughter came, and lucky for us- agreed to read The Night Before Christmas for us!

1950s Menorah

Such a fun visitor!

It was a great night, with wonderful guests and a tremendous turnout!

Even my friends made it to the event! It was a wonderful surprise! Afterwards, the fun continued... cause the party never stops for, KJB!



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