WCW: Rachel Page Meets World

It's Wednesday, so it's time for our latest installment in Woman Crush Wednesday! 

Meet Rachel Page! 

You may know Rachel if you're an avid Twitter user and love Instagram... She's one of my favorites!

Can you tell me about your background? School? 

I attended Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. It's a small-ish town about 45 minutes outside Austin. I went there for four years, changed my major three times, left without any sort of degree, but I wouldn't change a thing.

What do you do for a living?

I am currently in the midst of finding that out for myself! After being so set in wanting to do writing and social media, lately I've had a little change of heart. Currently I've been trying to break into the styling field, so while I do several odd jobs to further that from time to time, I do a whole lot of bartending gigs to get the ends to meet.

If you’re not doing it, what would your dream job be?

My ~dream~ job wouldn't be a job at all. I would get paid to exist a lá Kardashian/Jenner, and would be free to explore whatever creative outlet I felt inspired by at the time.

How important is social media to your business?

Seeing as I'm business-less, my social media now is a bit more of a free space. I'm able to puke out whatever nonsense my brain is thinking and not have to worry about it from a branding standpoint. For me social media will always be important to me, business aside, because it helps me empty my brain where, maybe ten years ago, I would've just used an ol' fashioned diary.

 What would you say is your personal brand is?

"pop culture obsessed fan girl who's always doing the most"

What can others learn from you?

Don't try and plan out your life to a "T." Just let it happen. I'm much happier now that I'm just letting things happen. There's a little fear in uncertainty, but I know it'll all work out.

How do you do under pressure? How do you handle stress?

Uh, let me see, I crack? haha I handle stress by naps, music, and just powering through it.

What’s the average day in the life of Rachel look like?

My average day is very unpredictable. I'll either have a packed agenda, or absolutely nothing. But regardless of my itinerary, you can count on my driving around listening to Britney Spears and most likely eating empty calories.

Do you/Did you have a mentor/mentee?

I always will look up to my mom!

How did you advance your career?

Anyone, and I mean anyone can have a presence on the internet on the career if you make the right steps. I was just lucky enough to get my name out there through TSM.

How would you describe your personal style?

Thought out. I don't want to look like I just "threw something on." When I put an outfit together, I want it to be a head to toe look that you can tell took effort.

What makes up your wardrobe?

NOTHING expensive, that's for sure. A lot of jackets, kimonos, cardigans, and dusters. To me an outfit feels incomplete without that element.

Who is your fashion icon?

I go to a lot of drag queens for fashion inspiration because it's always over-the-top. I also love Poppy (if you don't know her, look her up immediately), Caroline Vreeland, Paris Hilton, and Gigi Gorgeous.

What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?

Getting verified was pretty awesome. Still waiting on the day Twitter emails me admitting it was an accident. In real life? Ditching the ideal that I needed to stick to the stereotypical five year plan.

What is your ‘must have’ accessory?

A hair tie and some bobby pins. I am not comfortable unless my hair is in some sort of ponytail or bun.

What advice can you give others that look towards you to gauge success?

So clichè, but find what interests you and do just that. You like scrapbooking? Make a career out of it! You don't have to work in a cube every day of your life doing something corporate.

What advice can you give on failure?

It will happen. Embrace it.

What was your big break?

Veronica Ruckh and Catie Warren pushing me to write. I would've never done it until they basically shoved me into it.

Are you a member of any organizations? Trade Organizations, etc.

Nope! Not unless you count Facebook groups, then it that case....a Britney Spears fan club.

What’s next for you? 

We'll just have to ~wait and see~

Thanks Rachel!


Keeping Up With Rachel Page:

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