The Thoughts That Plague Me

Closure is the epitome of a good life. Think about it-- if we live in a world where we keep track of the score to be able to know who wins and who loses-- you need closure.

Everything in your life is a relationship-- think about how upset you get when you run out of your favorite shade of lipstick or use the last of your perfume or need to buy new jeans. I think kids my age, young adults if you will-- have a great need for closure in their lives:

  • Why did your crush/hookup/FOB suddenly stop returning your calls or texts? How do they have a GF/BF out of nowhere?
  • How can your favorite show suddenly end and without knowing what happens to the characters and story you've become oh so connected to?
Closure is an important step in growing and moving on and I think far too often nowadays-- we just don't get it and we're forced to just accept it and try to resume our normal existence and act like this betrayal doesn't plague our every waking thought. 

  • How would that show have ended had the writers been given time?
  • What would've happened if we had had the exclusivity talk from the beginning?
  • The "what if" game turns into daydreaming scenarios and further plaguing you so the void feeling grows.
It took years-- honestly it was only a year ago that I realized that I wouldn't have wanted Ruthie and Martin(7th Heaven) together. But my question is-- why did the writers dick us around? They never had to have Martin have his realization over his feelings-- they never had to mention a kiss that happened off screen- so why did they?

Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys was popular among the YA crowd so why didn't it get a sequel? Why didn't the author respond to my email explaining how she envisioned it ending?

Why did ABCFamily cancel Jane By Design after such a cliffhanger season finale to give us, Bun Heads (which was subsequently... cancelled!)

And don't even get me started on Secret Life of the American Teenager!

This is why after 10 years-- after finally watching the Veronica Mars movie, I cried. Literal tears of joy, cause the fans got the answers, the results-- the movie we wanted and deserved.

These are the thoughts that plague me.

So when you come across a GenY and they seem to be spinning out of control-- stop and think about something you spent time on and think about if you got to see it have a good ending-- if not, you have a little idea what they're going through... With practically every aspect of their life, cause adulting is hard.



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