Eightysixed Review: Find Your {Own} Floris, Find Yourself

A memoir about unforgettable men, mistakes, and meals.

Social media is so cool! I came across Emily Belden when she commented on one of my posts.

You may remember Emily Belden from a few weeks ago when she was our Woman Crush Wednesday! I ordered the book for my birthday and just recently finished it. The book culminates when Emily turns 25- so how fitting I read it in my twenty-fourth year.

Emily's struggle through the dating scene is hilarious and something your older sister would tell you about when she comes home to visit and sees you licking your wounds on the couch watching The Notebook and having Ben & Jerry's for days on end.

If you're struggling after a breakup, make that a heartbreak, because you would have to be official to have a breakup, or muddling through the dating scene, or you're a voyeur (LIKE ME!) and  enjoy living vicariously through other people's struggle- this book is for you!

Each chapter Emily gives you the highlights of the lessons you're supposed to look out for and walk away with! Eighty-sixed is a lot like your favorite course guide for a class- you have no interest in taking but have to to graduate. Think of this class as Humanities, and the course book to be the full of fun antidotes that make you forget you're learning something.

Eighty-sixed makes the class more bearable, a hidden gem if you will.

You may ask what this required class is-- it's Dating 101.

A Few of My Favorite Things
Through Emily's struggles, I learned quite a few things- the main thing- the importance of knowing and loving yourself because that's your #1 relationship in life and after that you can and will find love.

Be that a man, woman, friends, a job or a hobby- like traveling or food.

Emily's struggles feel like your own and her triumphs feel like yours too.

A Must!
You accept the love you think you deserve, so if you think you deserve the world, then you're one step closer to getting it- or better yet, you'll go out and get it for yourself!



Now go to emilybelden.com to order your own copy

Next on the Reading List:

Never Have I Ever: My Life (So Far) Without a Date by Katie Heaney

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