
I'm not entirely sure what that Brie Larson movie is all about... Congratulations to her on the Oscar win!

In the preview, she compares herself to Alice from Alice in Wonderland, so there's that...

Anyway, I digress--

So I'm sure we've all heard the idiom that little girls request and dream of ponies and plan their weddings...

Well I never wanted a pony- I was too big for that, and planning my wedding came much, much later... like when freshman year of college got hard...

Honestly, if you've never been tempted to marry for money or to become a stripper- did you even go to college.

What I always wanted was to have my own desk!

Growing up, I always liked being a teacher, a lawyer, a businesswoman or the President of The United States and do you know what all of those had in common... They each had a desk.

These women sat behind desks and got shit done so naturally- I wanted a desk-- really I needed a desk!

When I lived in California, I shared a room with my little sister but I dreamed about one day getting a desk.

Then mom said she had an announcement- thought it was a desk- really we were just moving to Ohio... Boy oh boy, what a disappointment!

However, mom said with the move we would have more room-- the silver lining-- I could get a desk.

Well we moved and the desk never came. Surprise, Surprise. Then we moved again, and still no desk.

Of course, I realized I didn't like not being able to swear at kids my job and the thought of willingly stepping back into a school after getting my diploma made me sick. So being a teacher was cast aside- probably too rashly- cause like summer and winter breaks, snow days, weekends, oh and yeah-- forming the young minds of society seem like decent reasons.

I'm not sure when but I stopped aspiring to be the first Black woman president... Well I won't be the first black (God Bless Barack Obama) and probs not the first woman (#ImWithHer) but I'm starting to daydream about going to law school to get get involved and to be an active participant in this society/world-- so who knows.

Businesswoman-- is essentially what I went to school for.

But the big picture remains the same-- I need my beloved and long awaited aspiration-- desk.

Well after nearly 14 years as an Ohio resident and now that I'm living at home-- I finally... GOT A DESK for Christmas!

Of course it's still in the box- needing to be assembled-- but that's neither here nor there.

So there you have it-- a long, drawn out mess... To tell you lot about my aspirations and explain my current spending on pretty and shiny things to put on my desk... and the upcoming remodel of my sister's old room into a cloffice (closet/office).

Dreams Do Come True,



1 comment:

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